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'00' Gauge - BARNHILL MRC

Kingsfield is a fictitious town nestling in Oxfordshire 15 miles west of Oxford.

The period modelled is from 1958 to 1965, so steam and green diesels prevail. The model railway has been built using items that can be purchased readily from any model railway outlet. The track is Peco code 100, ballasted and painted with track colour, points are operated by ‘SEEP’ point motors, with power to the track fed through Gaugemaster hand held controllers. All the buildings are built from modified kits to suit the particular era, such as, Kibri or Cornerstone. Rolling stock is commercially available, but detailed in some way. Signals are all hand made from various parts to fit with a signalling diagram produced for the location. The Layout has appeared in Railway Modeller in 2005 where it was layout of the month, then later voted by the public as layout of the year. It has also appeared in December 2009 issue of Hornby magazine.


Friday 12.30pm - 6.00pm 

Saturday 10.00am - 5.00pm (9.30am for pre booked tickets)

Sunday 10.00am - 4.00pm (9.30am for pre booked tickets)

The Association of Model Railway Clubs Wales and West of England
Founded in 1968 

All details are correct at the time of publishing
The association of Model Railway Clubs Wales and West of England cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies 
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